Haokun Tian

PhD student in AI & Music CDT
Communication Acoustics Lab, Center for Digital Music
Queen Mary University of London, UK


I am working with Dr Charalampos Saitis and Bela on the project "Timbre Tools for the Digital Instrument Maker." My research focuses are music/timbre representations, neural audio synthesis, and creative AI tools for music. Previously I received my Master's degree in Music Technology at NYU and I was a research intern at Xiaohongshu, where I launched a beat and downbeat tracking system.


  1. Haokun Tian, Kun Liu, and Magdalena Fuentes. Beat and Downbeat Tracking with Generative Embeddings. Late Breaking Demo in the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2023. <pdf, code>

  2. Charalampos Saitis, Haokun Tian, Jordie Shier, Bleiz Macsen Del Sette. Timbre Tools for the Digital Instrument Maker. CHIME Annual Music and Human-Computer Interaction Workshop, 2023. <pdf>